• you and your bedroom !wink2

    1. Have you got an alarm clock ? 
    2. Have you got a board in your room ?
    3. What color are your walls ?
    4. Where is your bedroom ? 
    5. What do you sea through your window ?

    2 commentaires
  • Hello ! 

    Welcome to my blog ! he

    I'm Alice and I'm 11 years old. I'm French and I live in Nantes. My birthday is in September;  I have got 1 brother and a kitten  (I have got her name for my pseudo.)  

    I live in a shack NO,NO, I'm kiddinghappy !! I live in a house; my bedroom is new. My bedroom is next to my brother's room and opposite the windows. My room is rectangular and my walls are purple and pink. On my bed, sleepI have got pillows and a comforter and over my bed, there are two shelf for my lamp and my hair stuff. Next to my bed, I have got a nighstand with my alarmclock and medicines. My nighstand is between my bed and a small shelf  and in my small shelf, there are books for school, sheets of paper, and my box for DIY (stickers, cards, color paper...) Next to the small shelf, there is a big shelf with books and the mess !!! Next to my window, I have got a little chair for my clothes... My desk is opposite the door; on my desk, there are pens, paper trays, a lamp, a board and on my desk I do my homeworkaww ! I have got a enormous  wardrobe for my clothes...  Through my window, I can see the road, cars and a neighbor's garden. I haven't got a TV, mirror and vanity table. arf 

    I love my room because it is small but beatiful and cozy !!!!!^^

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